HR Consultancies

 HR consultants, as trusted advisers to SMEs, are on the frontline when it comes to providing mental health support.

Yet HR consultants often refer their customers and revenue away to generic EAP’s with poor mental health outcomes: 

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Current solution

  • X     A lengthy triage process to justify you need help complicated and frustrating for people who need counselling to get timely support
  • X     No matching to the right counsellor, just generic support delivered through a phone call with the next available counsellor
  • X     A flawed business model. EAPs are incentivised for customers not to use them due to an “Assumed usage pricing model”

Signal to customers you value their mental health by providing access to your branded counselling network

As part of a new retainer package or subscription sold at a higher price

Upsold as a standalone product - charging customers an access fee such as as subscription

As a retention tool - given to all customers new and existing for “free” and just pay as you go for therapy

See how our HR consulting customers are harnessing their branded counselling networks:

Ace HR have a number of customers with workplace counselling needs they can't fulfil.

They license Paranimo in their own branding, creating a new service for their customers.

Ace HR incorporate this service into their retainer package for a premium price.

And set their pay as you go counselling session price  (on top of our base session cost).

They send each customer their own custom sign up link to add them to Ace HR’s mental health therapy platform. 

The customer sends this sign up link to all employees who need mental health counselling.

Employees start matching to the right counsellor.

New revenue is generated from a retained customer whilst improving mental health.

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