Protect your customers' mental health and increase your revenue

Provide your own branded mental health therapy platform

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Empowering schools to care for the mental health of their students and teachers

Young People’s Mental health is a UK Epidemic

1 in 5 children and young people in England aged 8 to 16 have a probable mental health disorder (NHS England 2023)

A survey of 1271 young people found that 48% had been punished at school for behaviour that was caused by their mental health problems (Mind 2021)

Yet its our teachers who have to pick up the pieces...

"Over a quarter of a million children are still waiting for mental health support after being referred to CAMHS in 2023

(Children's care commission 2024)"

  • Teachers are not mental health counsellors and must balance and protect their own mental health with the demands of their role.

  • Yet a huge 84% of teachers are ‘helping with pupil mental health issues’, as access to qualified support is “unreachable” (Teach first 2024).

  • Its no wonder teacher burnout  stands at 33% of teachers, and staff turnover at 19.5% in state schools - an all time high.

Get early access and help shape our new Counsellor Matching Therapy Platform for under 18s

We already provide an over 18s counsellor matching platform, where users can access our growing pool of 500+ accredited counsellors and we’ve consistently shown the better the match with a counsellor, the better the mental health outcome.

‍We’re now looking for Primary School, Secondary School and College teachers to get early access and help us shape our new under 18s solution, enabling you to:

Better support the mental health of your pupils

Take the mental health support burden off teachers

Give families a place to refer children as mental health support needs arise

Key platform features

✔️Provide in your schools branding

✔️Access hundreds of qualified and accredited under 18s focussed counsellors

✔️Provide mental health support to teachers and families

✔️An easy to use counsellor matching process for better mental health outcomes

✔️Pay as you go therapy sessions, putting you in control of expenditure

✔️Booking and scheduling system

✔️Secure “virtual therapy room” for online therapy

How it works

In just four easy steps, you’re ready to roll. Learn how:

Step one: Build it
Working closely with you, our team will design and build your branded counselling network platform.

Step 2: Personalise it
Set counselling session usage limits i.e. total number of sessions a week, month and in total.

Step 3: Launch it
Seamlessly onboard your students and teachers with unique sign-up links for the pre-set schemes you’ve created in Step 2.

Step 4: Be the place of support
As users sign up to your platform and match to the right counsellors, know you have just positively contributed to improving someone's mental health!

We partner with the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society, enabling access to hundreds of accredited and qualified counsellors

Nadia Siouty

Specialises in:

Trauma; Stress; Low Self Esteem

View profile >

Julie McAulay

Specialises in:

Stress; Low Self Esteem

View profile >

Sarah Jennings

Specialises in:

Stress; Relationships

View profile >

Gareth Strangemore-Jones

Specialises in:

Grief; Sleep; Trauma; Stress

View profile >

Dena Ludford

Specialises in:


View profile >

Simon Moran

Specialises in:

Grief; Family Issues; Trauma; Stress; Low Self Esteem

View profile >


“Thank you for everything you’ve been doing. It’s some really great work and I know that people will really benefit from it.”

Meg Nun


“I feel so much better now. thank you!”



“Paranimo are about to make our dream come true! Providing the right mental health support to unpaid carers to help support their mental wellbeing”

Charity Manager

and Counsellor

“I am so impressed with your service – it’s amazing.”



“You’ve create a very intuitive platform that provides a long overdue solution significant problem. For that, I applaud and thank you”



“This has honestly made things a lot easier for me to even begin to look at finding someone to help me out! Thank you!!”

Self Funded
